Course Comments


“I believe you have certainly accomplished your goal of 
establishing the importance of setting goals and how to go 
about reaching them, how important record keeping is on 
any ranch enterprise. By using different instructors with 
specialties, each area of teaching was better understood—
therefore better taught. Very helpful! Thanks.” 
Gillette/Newcastle, Wyoming participant

“Overall course was very good. Time was the only 
limiting factor preventing going into some things in more 
depth, good material to take home for future long term 
plan setting and reference.”
Swift Current, Saskatchewan participant

“Being new to range and livestock enterprises, those 
areas demanded more attention & work - having a 
business background made those areas fun and 
enlightening in their application to all enterprises. Our 
first attempt at a ranch strategic plan we looked at 
resources and enterprises and dollars and developed our 
own tools - so the forms will be very useful.”
Douglas, Wyoming participant

“It was worthwhile for me as a manager. New ideas, new 
tools, a new process. I really  enjoyed every person 
involved. The Team concept was effective to me. 
Sometimes a change is like a rest, although I didn’t get 
much rest.” Idaho Falls, Idaho participant

“Workshop excellent. Would have enjoyed it anytime, 
would recommend it to young farm couples on a family 
ranch or anywhere. You gain valuable ideas in all areas 
and excellent tools for monitoring and assessing. My 
biggest goal as a result of this workshop is to use more 
time to utilize these materials for the growth of ranch. 
Based solely on getting started and continuing a ‘written’ 
monitoring program that we can pass down to sons. 
Especially enlightened on financial calculator vs. tables 
we used in college to gain valuable information for 
financial decisions.” Lewiston, Montana participant

“Excellent program which has provoked much thought on 
how I am doing things throughout the year. Thanks - 
great course!” Dillon, Montana participant


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